
June 2020
Faced with the changes it has faced, not only our society, but also our world, perhaps many of us have realized how much it takes for many things to change. We may think that a change is needed in the government, in the health systems, in the management of social situations, in business and commerce,...
The vision we have of ourselves has been influenced by everything we have experienced even from the mother’s cloister. We are influenced by our immediate family, by our teachers, by society, by the church, even by strangers with whom we casually share. And the most that exists of each person around us are opinions. One...
As human beings we have an incredible capacity for learning, we learn and are influenced since we are in the mother’s cloister. I was a teacher in childbirth preparation classes and I always remember the story of this dad who loved music and used to play his instrument next to his wife’s belly, continually exposing...
Yesterday the church in the world was celebrating the Feasts of Pentecost. This celebration has its history long ago when the people of Israel were released from the time of slavery that they lived in Egypt. It was a family celebration, in gratitude to God for having set them free. Years later, this same date...
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Sobre mi

El diseño de la eternidad cobra un grito fuerte cuando vas descubriendo quien eres y para que fuiste creado.  Cuando no apagas esa voz, que es la voz del Creador, entiendes que eres un ser espiritual con una experiencia humana. Una experiencia que no puede apagar el sueño de Dios en mi. Soy un sueño de Dios y quiero vivirlo como Él lo soñó.  Porque mi sueño es que su sueño se cumpla.

Tu eres el Papel

Comencemos este “blog” como si tú lo fueras a escribir. De todas formas lo hice pensando en ti. Mientras pensaba en las mil ideas que se me podían ocurrir para crear un espacio como este, venían a mi mente cuantas cosas en este mundo faltan por escribir y por ser hechas. Nuestra mente, no importa cuán creativos seamos, cuantos logros tengamos, cuan grandes hayan sido nuestros alcances, es pequeña, limitada.

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Articulos Populares

Full of what?
May 15, 2020
Seems like a good reason
February 26, 2020
Let them be one
April 1, 2020

Dale Like!

Articulos Recientes

Manifold grace
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Manipulated – You think we are not?
January 13, 2021
More than you have believed
December 20, 2020


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My New Stories

The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Let there be light