Discordant note


I remember as a child not having many friends, at school I was usually alone and when I had a friend, it was one of the group that generally does not fit in the group. In middle and high school, I remember that I used to ask questions that nobody asked, I looked at things that almost nobody noticed, to the point that I remember that there was a time when I was called an “exception” and even “Panasonic” (anticipating the future) because of walk ahead of things that had not happened, but I saw them coming. In the same way it happened to me in my college years and why tell you no, if even in the family it happens to me.

I was born with a heart condition called “Tetralogy of Fallot”. I underwent open heart surgery twice, and where many others, with conditions like mine died or were left with indelible physical marks, no one imagined the strange way my heart worked unless it was a doctor who could compare it and even they were missed how I could lead a life without major complications despite what they understood as dysfunction.

 I have lived and survived very strange things in my life. I did not expect that in the spiritual realm it would be different. I am born and raised in the gospel and as a child I knew a church full of power and authority, I saw manifestations of liberation and healings. I grew up believing in a God who did greatness and wonders. I saw them in my life and in the lives of some others. But over time I saw a church that seemed to be asleep. I have heard beautiful sermons that seem to provoke nothing in people. We get used to seeing the power of God only in the ministering of worship and we limit the power of God only to the pastor or the evangelist. We stop believing in the apostolic calls and call them heretics, as if the word did not speak of 5 ministries clearly. For any situation we call the pastors or the chain of “prayer brothers”, but we are not able to see ourselves full of power and authority to order a cease and desist over situations where all they need is for us to position ourselves.

Today there is a cry from eternity, yes, from eternity. The one that was placed in each one of us: “He made everything beautiful in his time; and he has put eternity in their hearts, without reaching man to understand the work that God has done from the beginning to the end”. Ecclesiastes 3: 11. And that cry is calling us today, God is looking from his throne and says as in the days of the prophet: “And I sought among them a man who would make a fence and stand in the gap before me, in favor of the earth… and I did not find it”. Ezekiel 22:30

The Spirit is awakening children, those who today do not want to conform to this world or its customs, and those who today, amid so many voices that sound the same, can raise a different voice, a voice that aligns itself to the call of eternity and can see things as seen from the throne. That would sound like a discordant note, but the sound of a discordant note is not a sound that many dare to sound. Do you dare? Do you dare today to stand in the gap that marks a new generation? Do you dare today to say: Lord, here I am, send me, I will go, because I know that you are going before me? Now you understand why so many are called, but few are chosen. Blessings.

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