

When you seek me, you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart –

Jeremiah 29:13.

These days I was receiving the confrontation of the Spirit since I had been asking some questions and felt that I was not receiving an answer. At that moment the Spirit led me to look inside myself as if I were in a large space and suddenly, he enters to try to speak to me, but he finds a great machine, very noisy, creator of his own thoughts and ideas. He told me: this is how it happens in many moments when I want to talk to you, I collide with all your thoughts and great ideas and you turn off my voice. It was like an ice water bath down my back.

I am usually very logical; I try to reason and understand everything. It is part of my design; it is the way in which I can work each thought to elaborate writing. But when listening to the Spirit, it is necessary that I turn off the volume of my ideas and thoughts.

Many times I choose to listen to a good message, there are very few ministers of the word that I usually listen to, in that I am very selective, I have learned to listen only to what is in line with what the Spirit is working with my life or the word that I perceive that it is aligned with the prophetic times that we are living. And, I cannot deny that through those ministers of the word I have received answers or direction from God for my life.

But I must confess that many times because I am so attentive to what I receive from the outside, I forget that the Spirit of God lives in me and wants to speak to me. It is because I am distracted in things that, although they are not bad, do not allow me to hear the word that the Spirit wants to speak to me.

Today I want to invite you to look inside yourself. Spirit is speaking loud and clear and everyone who aligns with him will listen. Being distracted is very easy, so easy that we don’t even realize we are. And the Spirit is trying to get our attention and the volume inside has been high. During this time, many doubts and concerns have arisen, we have run out of answers to understand what is happening around us and that is why we have found ourselves confused, hopeless, full of uncertainties, anxieties, and insecurities.

Look inward, turn down the volume on your logic and turn up the volume on praise. There is praise in you that the spirit wants to hear. If you turn off the other voices, you will hear it and you will be able to align yourself to the frequencies of eternity. Let the spirit guide you, nobody knows how to do it like him.

Don’t let distractions rob you of what God wants to say to you today, there is nothing better than hearing his voice within you, bringing direction, affirmation, consolation, or whatever else is necessary for the edification of your life. If you want to find God, you must do it with all your heart and with all your mind, otherwise, there are other things occupying his space and he cannot enter.

When you seek me, you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart – Jeremiah 29:13. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is speaking. God’s grace in your life today.

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