Its a gift


Jesus’ work on the cross includes everything: Salvation, healing, freedom, provision, care, etc. That is why He is the “I AM”, because everything is in Him and you are complete in Him. I don’t know how many questions you have, I want to tell you today that Jesus came as an answer, as the truth. That is why He is the way, the truth and life.

Imagine that there is a big party and you decide that you want to go, and when you go to buy the ticket you find that someone already paid the ticket for you, you just have to accept it. This is how Jesus did on the cross. God wanted to give man freedom over sin, salvation, healing, provision, in short, everything. Then, his son Jesus went to the cross and, through a perfect sacrifice, which he does not need to do again, acquired all that `for everyone who accepts and receives him. Then he said: “IT IS CONSUMED”. Then he went and sat at the right hand of his Father on the throne and put a chair for his church. I don’t know if you understand, but if you accepted it, you’re already sitting there. It’s not that you’re going to be sitting, it’s that you already are. That is why, while you are here, at the same time you are reigning with Him in heavenly places.

Do not void the sacrifice of Jesus void. He did not do it because you are good, but because He is good. And all he did was a gift of love for you, you just have to accept it.

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