From Above


I work on the 14th floor of a 17 floors building. As a blessing, I have the privilege of sitting right in front of a large glass window that allows me to see the most beautiful landscapes that the sky gives. From my window I have seen how it rains for one area, while for another it is a radiant sun, I see beautiful flights of different birds that let them feel how they enjoy the freedom of the expansion of an open sky, I see a parade of planes that pass so close , that I can even see clearly its color, I see a spectacle of clouds of all sizes and colors that clouds can have, I see a beautiful water channel where the sun is reflected and each ray takes strength to shine, I see the buildings until the Old San Juan and the Capitol dome almost as if it were a picture in pure color. Anyway, I enjoy daily things that from below I could not see or imagine. And certainly, it is not the same to look at things from the first floor, than to see them from above. The perspective is not the same. As I enjoy this whole parade of things that give me a new daily experience, I think about how God sees everything from above. Because, looking from up there everything looks smaller and distinguishing new spaces, places, exits, new streets, and other routes becomes easier. And that’s how I think God wants me to see everything from above. As he sees it. God gave us in our spirit the ability to see as eternal beings, and that allows you to understand that when you can see from top to bottom, you can more easily find the way out of a problem or an expected response. From above, the problems and circumstances that may occur appear smaller and even less important. When you see from above, the bottom does not impress you, it does not affect you, and it does not capture you, because you see so much beauty and space in the heights that only your attention captures the greatness, the amplitude, the immensity, the colorful, and the evolutionary of the creation. And it is right there where you can see God. You cannot find God below, you will find Him in greatness, in immensity, in the eternal. What is below, the earthly only distracts you from the greatness of God. God is not drowned in worries or problems or depression or sadness. He doesn’t want you to be either. His longing is that, like Him, today you can look at everything from above. Do not let the insignificant, the temporary, the earthly, the problems absorb you and deprive you of enjoying the best of the landscape that the Creator designed for you. There is nothing that has no solution, there is no impossible for my God. Start looking from above and rest in Him. Trust him all your situations and enjoy his greatness, his immensity, the eternal, what has no limits and rest in Him. Let his grace, his love and his justice cover today. Because in the end it’s not about what you can do, but about what He already did for you since before you could imagine it. Blessings

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