He that hath an ear


One of the definitions of Shalom (term that we usually use to speak of peace) is: total destruction of chaos. And maybe when you think about the word chaos, you think about what is happening around us. The tumult of voices, the explosion of news, the invasion of information from all sides. You no longer know what to listen to, there are so many daily news, an increase in the number of people infected by the virus, the closing of establishments, and I don’t know how many other things you may have heard. And if you think that chaos is out there, I invite you to take a look in here, inside you. Today there may be a chaos inside you caused by the thousands of concerns that all this has caused you. Questions such as: When will all this end? What happens if more cases of contagion continue to arise? , What will happen to my job? How safe will my family and I be in the middle of all this? What if supplies run out? Those, among a host of other concerns or questions, might be on your mind today. There are so many voices you have been connected that’s why is very possible that you have not been able to hear the only voice you need to hear right now: the voice of the Spirit. When all the screaming from other voices is raised, it’s easy to disconnect from that voice.

The Spirit today is saying: If anyone has ears to hear, hear what I am trying to tell you for this time. It is not time for chaos inside you. The Spirit today wants to take you to peace, to which Jesus referred when he said to his disciples: I do not give it as the world gives it to you. It is the peace that exceeds all understanding. Because it is the peace that you can have, regardless of the circumstances around you. Maybe you think it is not possible, but I want to tell you that it is. Disconnect from everything around you and invite the Spirit today to invade your interior with news from heaven. The news there is different from the one here, believe me, because God does not see what we see. Repeat today what his word says: You will keep in complete peace the one whose thought in you perseveres. Let go of all thoughts of sadness, pain, burden, tiredness, helplessness, courage or whatever it is called and replace it with his Shalom. His Shalom is enough to destroy all the chaos that may be inside your mind today. Jesus offers you a rest, He Himself is the rest you need. Run to Him today and rest. Everything you need is in Jesus. If something is going to invade your mind and your heart today, let it be Him, in Him you are complete and you have everything. Blessings.

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