More than a gift


Mistakes are something we make every day.
And certainly, as a writing that I have sometimes read: “When I do everything right, nobody notices, but if I make a mistake, everyone sees it.” Sometimes we are too quick to see the mistakes, but how much are we to lift the one who was wrong? How much can we forgive an offense or error? How much can you stop measuring if the other deserves forgiveness or not?
That is what grace does. You may not deserve it, but his grace goes above any fault and forgives you.
If today you feel pointed, full of guilt, pain, you can only look at your failures and do not know how to get up, run to the throne of grace, where you will attain mercy for the opportune help.

And if it is you who is pointing or looking at your neighbor’s mistake and you are ready to make a judgment, without remembering that you can also fall, also run to grace and do not take the offense, release it. Free yourself from loading another’s offense or mistake. Your departure today, to achieve peace, is forgiveness. It is by his grace, a gift that we do not deserve, but it is his perfect love, which covers a multitude of sins. Take the gift and be free in the name of Jesus. Blessings.

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