The point is the seed.


A few months ago I met a person I didn’t see long ago. Just on that day this person had a very bad time with someone and was out of control. We talked for a while about his disgust and he told me very clearly that, in that same night he was going to take revenge on the other person, that the person was going to pay for what he did, as we say in our good Spanish. I remember asking him: “Do you have grandchildren? – Yes, of course – he replied. Do you love them very much? – Of course, they are the light of my eyes. And, do you know the law of sowing and reaping? – I don’t know What are you talking about?- he replied-.
And the point is that there is a law from which we cannot escape, whether we know it or not, it affects us, believe it or not, it affects you. Children do not know the law of gravity and they don’t float because of not kwnowing about it. In the same way it happens with the law of sowing and harvesting. What you sow today, you will reap tomorrow. And not only will it affect you, it will also affect yours. The word teaches us that he who sows wind reaps storms. Because, you sow only one seed, but you reap a tree with an abundance of fruits. In the same way is this law.
Therefore, take care of what you are sowing. Each act of yours is a seed that will inevitably bear fruit and be multiplied. So think today, what you want to eat tomorrow. Because today you are eating what you sowed yesterday. If you don’t like the fruit, you must change the seed. Think about it, value yourself and take control of what you want to sow so you can reap the right fruit. Blessings.

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