There must be much more


Yesterday the church in the world was celebrating the Feasts of Pentecost. This celebration has its history long ago when the people of Israel were released from the time of slavery that they lived in Egypt. It was a family celebration, in gratitude to God for having set them free. Years later, this same date was supernaturally marked, when the apostles, all being unanimous together, received the promise of the Holy Spirit that Jesus had made before leaving: “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and will be my WITNESSES both in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”- Acts 1: 8.

For a long time we have thought, I speak for myself and for many others I know, that the impartation of the Holy Spirit was to give power to liberate, to heal and for the manifestation of the signs and wonders that the word speaks. But when you read Luke 10, you realize that the disciples had already been commissioned to do this, so much so that in verse 17 of this chapter, they return excited to Jesus and tell him how, even the demons are subject to them in his name. Jesus answers later: “Do not be happy that you can do that, rejoice that your name is written in heaven.” Reading this expression of Jesus leads you to think that there is something greater than that.

So when you study in Acts 2 the event that happened this day, there is something that caught my attention. After the fire of the Holy Spirit had come upon them and they had all begun to speak in other languages, those around them were amazed to hear them speak in their own languages, as they were all from different parts and began to identify their languages. maternal and heard that the wonders of God spoke. Not having a logical answer for what was happening, some began to say that they were drunk.

It was then when Peter stood up in their midst and spoke to them saying:… let me explain what happens, it is 9:00 in the morning, and these men who are here are not drunk, but here, in your presence, is being fulfilled what the prophet Joel announced when he said: “It will happen that in the last days, says God, I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your elders will dream dreams. And verily on my servants in those days I will pour out of my Spirit and they will prophesy. And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on earth below … Acts 2: 17-19

Peter was speaking from another dimension, he was saying that what these men were manifesting was not something that was happening here. The last verse says: “I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on earth below.” Which leads you to understand the expression of Jesus when leaving, saying: “you will be witnesses to me” – a witness is one who sees and listens. These men were at a door to eternity, witnessing the wonders of God in order to speak and manifest them down on earth.

I don’t know if you are understanding me, but what I want to make clear to you today is that the Holy Spirit did not merely come to distribute tongues, and being filled with the Holy Spirit is not just speaking them. There is something much greater that God has for his children today. Prodigy means: Act or phenomenon that exceeds the regular limits of nature, an act of divine power superior to the natural order. That is why to witness many of them, it can only be in a dimension that is not natural. But for these things to happen, we must believe and long for them. The prophet said: “above all flesh,” which includes you and me. The dimensions of eternity are something that God wants to share with sons and daughters who want more than additions. They are for those who want an intimate relationship with Him, a life filled with His Spirit so that He and not we can be seen. Witnesses who want to talk about his greatness and see the rest of the things being done by himself, as happened in the church of Acts.

Long for something more, dare to say to God: I want more of you and less of me. That we may diminish so that He may grow. There should be nothing greater than being witnesses of his wonders, of his greatness, of his power. Long for it today as much as He wants to have a relationship with you in his fatherly heart. This is the time of the children, do not settle. Blessings.

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