With an assignment


There is a verse of the word that comes repeatedly to my mind, and it is found in the book of Esther 4:14 – “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?

Esther was a woman who came to the kingdom under strange circumstances and God granted her the favor and grace of the king, to the point that she married him and was the queen. It is a beautiful story. But there is something clear here, God placed Esther in the place and time where she would fulfill a specific purpose.

That’s how we all are, we have been sent to this land for a specific time and with an assignment. It doesn’t matter if you know it or not, if you are aware of it or are ignoring it, the point is that you have it.

God created you with a very particular design and purpose and wants to see you fulfill it. You didn’t come to this land just to have a profession, make a family, congregate in a church, have good friends to socialize, travel and know the world, do good deeds, among other things. God has a specific plan for your life. His word says that before creation he had predestined us according to his purpose. And God’s purposes are always great, they are always in favor of his kingdom. Nothing is limited to us, his plans and his purposes for you, are linked to an eternal purpose.

So, if you know that you are not looking to fulfill your assignment, it is time for you to move to find his purpose for you. We say we love God but we are not willing to let go of our life and our own dreams and take His dreams and plans for us. Do not leave this land without having achieved his purpose, there will be no greater satisfaction than knowing that you managed to fulfill the task of the one who created you and gave meaning to your life. Do not conform to the simple and human. You are a spiritual being. There is greatness and eternity in you, you have to do something with it, come on, empower yourself with the purpose and go out to fulfill it. Blessings.

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