
God, in his manifold grace, can operate in all possible ways. Ways that we can imagine and believe and ways that would not fit in our minds. Do not try to limit the manifold grace of God, expecting it to operate in one way or another in your life. Open your mind, your heart to...
Many times we do not realize how much noise surrounds us. The Lord wants to speak to us and bring us rest, but in the midst of so much congestion around us, it is difficult for us to hear Him. That is why he is inviting us to a secluded place, where we can meet...
Today they lock us up under the pretext of caring for and protecting our health. They make us keep in our homes for months, altering everything that we knew as “normal” in our daily functioning. We work remotely (many of those who still have their jobs), small businesses have had to close, they have separated...
The other day I was sharing with a great friend, a history teacher, who explained to me how for years she had believed and taught about the measurements of the measurements of my beautiful land, Puerto Rico. Everywhere people say that our island measures 100 x 35, but the truth is that it measures 111...
We are celebrating the Festival of Hanukkah (December 10-18 this year), also known as the Festival of Lights. Perhaps not so common or known among us in the West, because of the Gregorian calendar, which came to replace the Hebrew calendar, where all the festivals and celebrations of God’s people are found. Those that God...
The Father is restoring the identity of his children. To move and operate on this earth according to God’s design for you, you need to understand who you are and what you have in Him. Children are those who accept, receive and live in His Truth. If you are not defined by the truth of...
“… I still estimate all things as loss due to the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whose sake I have lost everything, and consider it garbage, to win Christ”.Philippians : 3:8 When it comes to losing, certainly no one likes to lose anything except extra weight. Therefore, as soon as...
But as the Tanakh says, ‘No eye has seen, no ears have heard, and no one’s heart has imagined all the things that YAHWEH has prepared for those who love Him.’1 Corinthians 2:9 Focus your minds on the things above, not the things on earth. Colossians 3:2 Having our focus on what is happening around...
“Do not give sacred things to dogs. They will just come back and hurt you. And don’t throw your pearls at pigs. They will only step on them. “Matthew 7: 6 I was meditating on the reflection of this young man, whose father gave him, when he graduated, an old car he owned. Before formally...
Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curseDeuteronomy 11:26. When Jesus met lepers, the expression he used to set them free from his leprosy, was: be clean. If you study the stories of the Bible, you will see that instead of healing it speak of cleansing or purification. And is that...
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Sobre mi

El diseño de la eternidad cobra un grito fuerte cuando vas descubriendo quien eres y para que fuiste creado.  Cuando no apagas esa voz, que es la voz del Creador, entiendes que eres un ser espiritual con una experiencia humana. Una experiencia que no puede apagar el sueño de Dios en mi. Soy un sueño de Dios y quiero vivirlo como Él lo soñó.  Porque mi sueño es que su sueño se cumpla.

Tu eres el Papel

Comencemos este “blog” como si tú lo fueras a escribir. De todas formas lo hice pensando en ti. Mientras pensaba en las mil ideas que se me podían ocurrir para crear un espacio como este, venían a mi mente cuantas cosas en este mundo faltan por escribir y por ser hechas. Nuestra mente, no importa cuán creativos seamos, cuantos logros tengamos, cuan grandes hayan sido nuestros alcances, es pequeña, limitada.

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Articulos Populares

Full of what?
May 15, 2020
Seems like a good reason
February 26, 2020
Let them be one
April 1, 2020

Dale Like!

Articulos Recientes

March 7, 2021
The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Manipulated – You think we are not?
January 13, 2021
More than you have believed
December 20, 2020
Let there be light
Time to follow the light
December 14, 2020


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My New Stories

The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Let there be light