Time to be


If something has burned in my heart with greater force during this time it is the longing to “be”. In this time when I have been most exposed to hearing about the consummate work of Jesus and his desire to give me as a daughter, the privilege of being as He was on earth, has awakened many things in me, which today I long for them to awaken in you.

For years I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and I have wanted to seek answers to many questions that I have had. Study the book of Revelation and begin to understand it, rather than as a book that speaks of what we have known as the end times, but as the revelation of Jesus himself presenting himself as the one who conquered death and now reigns with power and glory. And then he lets me know, through his word that, together with him, he sat me in heavenly places to rule, and he did it out of pure love, simply because he wanted to (Ephesians 1: 5). I don’t know if it is you, but all of this makes me want to be like him. The verse constantly comes to my mind where he told his disciples that, greater things than what he did, they would also do, and that He left the same word for us who believe in Him. (John 14:12)

That is why the confrontation arises in me: It is not about how much I can know or understand what I have heard so much about a second coming of Christ, it is about how much I have become empowered of what actually happened more than two thousand years ago. Imagining that Christ would come for me today: Would I be ready to answer what I did with everything He conquered for me on the cross? Have I been the daughter to whom He told that I would do greater things than He did?

Jesus came to earth, walked among us and fulfilled his perfect work on the cross, took the keys, gave them to us and delegated his kingdom to us to be established through us in a work that he already completed.

But what have I done with that work of love and power that Jesus did two thousand years ago? I still wonder: Where is the church that He empowered through His completed work on the cross? Jesus died and rose again, not only to give us salvation and eternal life. His work was complete to restore man to the original plan, to the design of eternity that was always in the Father’s heart. And when Jesus was on earth, he dedicated his life in a display of power and miracles everywhere. He healed the sick, freed the oppressed, raised the dead, calmed the storm, fed multitudes, showed forgiveness and mercy to all, and left us his redeeming grace. And then he said to his disciples: “greater things than these, you will do.” And that promise was a lifestyle for everyone who believed, because later we discovered in the word: “these signs will follow those who believe.” (Mark 16:17)

So, I think: we have been waiting for a second coming of Christ, but what have we done with everything he left us in the first? He told us that we are the light of the world, are we shining? He said we are the salt, are we seasoning? He gave us power to heal and free, to trample snakes and scorpions and power over all the enemy’s strength. Are we empowered with that word of authority that he left us? Or do we go running to any crisis using the same word to justify ourselves?

I don’t know about you, but God has been confronting my life in light of his word and his plans for me. And he is clearly saying that it is time to “be”: time to be the children that He came to empower in his consummate work, in which it is not necessary to add anything else, just to receive it and live in it.

How close will we be to a second coming? I don’t know. But today I want to invite you and I think that together with me, you want to be one of those children. The son, who like Jesus, does what he saw his Father do, the son who aligns himself to the plan of eternity and who receives the completed work that Jesus has already left us. The children full of Him, the mighty ones of Jesus, the generation that makes the difference because they know that our God is above everything and they have already made us more than conquerors. Come on, empower yourself! Blessings

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