Of small things


It is very normal that when we talk about dreams and desires, we all think about big things. We all want the unusual, the extraordinary, the surprising, and the unexpected. Ultimately, this is one of the ways God works. What we cannot forget is that in the simple, in the small, in what seems common and ordinary, there is also greatness and beauty.

The basis of the life of Jesus was love, his works and miracles were based on love for people. And sometimes we dream so much of titles, of recognitions, of greatness, that we forget how much value there is in the details, in the small and simple things in life. The unplanned moments are the most enjoyed many times.

I’m not telling you not to yearn for great and wonderful things, not to plan, not to want to move to better things day by day. I am telling you not to forget how much enjoyment and satisfaction there can be in simplicity. In the bird song, in the flower of the park, in a child playing, in a thank you note, in the invitation to a coffee to share, in letting go of your feet with a song, in bursting out with laughter with a silly joke, in letting go of the routine and forgetting the stress, in cooking a new recipe that you have been saving, in meeting new people and starting to do things that you did not do before. Enjoy those who are by your side, have a gesture of thanks continuously, do a favor just because, give smiles everywhere, let the joy flow and invade with peace in any charged atmosphere, be an agent of change everywhere, make a difference with your presence.  

The world needs relief and rest and you have to see yourself as the answer, you certainly are if you can see it. We are like Jesus on this earth, so the power is in you. As you get to the bigger things you want to do, don’t leave the little ones out, because greatness is being formed from the many little things that come together. God’s grace and peace over your life today.

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