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We have already learned that we are what we think, and that our thinking is made up or shaped by how we have processed the life experiences we have had. Our way of life and our behavior are derived or formed from our thinking. And as we’ve talked about before, we are affected by our environment in general, positively or negatively. That is why we must be very cautious when choosing the environments and the people with whom we surround ourselves.

1 Corinthians 15: 33-34 tells us: Do not be fooled by those who say such things, because bad company corrupts good character. Think well about what is right and stop sinning. Well, to your shame I tell you that some of you don’t know God at all (NLT). This verse is inviting us to be selective, to be jealous of what God wants to form in our lives. Notice that it speaks of character, and character, according to the dictionary means a set of psychic and affective qualities that condition the behavior of each individual. This word comes from the Greek origin “Kharakter” which means – “the one who engraves”.

God wants us to possess and manifest the mind of Christ, so that his character may be formed in us. If we use the definition of the Greek concept, we see that God wants to be engraved in our character, in other words, that we project Him. Then the word tells us that bad conversations, or bad company corrupts good character.

So how selective are we when it comes to choosing who we surround ourselves with? How much attention do I pay to what I allow myself to talk to others about? It is not about distancing ourselves from people so that we do not have contact with them. It is about being jealous of who I let myself be influenced by, because every conversation I have is going to influence my life and many times we do not realize this.

Matthew 15:11 says – What enters through the mouth is not what contaminates you, you are contaminated by the words that come out of the mouth (NLT). That is why you must take care of what you say, because you are speaking of the abundance of the heart and that has been what you have collected from your environment. So be jealous with what God has given you, he gave you a heart and said: Above all things kept, keep your heart; for from him flows life (Proverbs 4:23).

So, choose wisely with whom you invest your time, your life experiences, your spaces, your outings and in the atmospheres where you share. It is better to be alone than with the wrong people for the wrong reasons. When choosing who you surround yourself with and share with, ask yourself: What does this person bring to my life? Does it contribute something besides pure company or do I feel that it remains for me? Do the conversations we have built my life? He who walks with wise men will be wise; but he who associates with fools will be destroyed. Earthly life is ephemeral and will pass, that is why you must build and seek to improve every day for the eternal, for your spiritual being, which is what really brings greatness in your life. You are a being of great value, God created you to reflect His glory, to be a door through which He can enter and be manifest on this earth. So, assume your position as a son and choose well for your growth and wisdom. God’s grace cover your life today.

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