We have already mentioned on several occasions that we are what we think. Our thoughts define our feelings and our feelings determine our behavior. Our behavior becomes our habits, which build our whole life and speak of who we are. Changing some habits is something that we all, in one way or another, want. There are habits that are not harmful and that we must have, such as hygiene habits, correct eating, taking care of our health, among others. We have some others that are not the best, but as they seem not to be harmful we do not pay as much attention to them with the idea in mind that one day we will improve them (such as a bad diet). There are others that are harmful or even destructive to our life, but we do not know how to handle them to modify or eliminate them. There are habits that we must eliminate, in the same way there are others that we should adopt, all for the purpose of personal improvement. God wants our well-being, and we cannot spiritualize everything, there are things that will not be solved or that will not change praying, no matter how much we do.
That is why we must, individually, evaluate what we want to do, what things we want to achieve in our life, see how we feel about ourselves (am I comfortable with who I am and what I do? ), what things I don’t have that I would like to have, etc. If the lifestyle – the habits – that I have, do not contribute to the scope of these thoughts, I need to work on this. And for this, I need to work with my habits or customs to transform.
I may not have all the answers I would like to give you, but it is important that we have a beginning. Small changes today, with the perseverance and determination they require, will achieve the changes I want to achieve.
We will start by believing that God is interested in my life being transformed. It is through the Holy Spirit that we can discover where we should work, only He can show us the areas of need in our life. Who wants the best for me first is God, and you should know that every change in my life begins by recognizing how much I need Jesus. Therefore, I must trust that, during my weaknesses, I have a high priest who understands me. Hebrews 4: 14 – And since we have an exceptional high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us stand firm in the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest unable to sympathize with our weaknesses; on the contrary, except sin, it has experienced all our trials. And he has left me a great promise when he said: “My grace is all you need; my power works best in weakness. So now I am happy to boast of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me – 2 Corinthians 12: 9
So, keeping this in mind, let’s start with a plan of action knowing who our helper is deeply interested in my well-being because of his great love.
1. Identify the habit – What do you want to change? Don’t try to change everything at once, choose by priority to start seeing changes. Focus on the solution, not the problem. For example: I want to stop drinking soda – I am going to start drinking more water.
2. Identify the trigger – To eliminate a bad habit, you need to make the right changes to trigger it. What pushes you to maintain a habit is the practice of something that precedes it, our brain works by association. For example, watching a movie involves eating “popcorn”, a moment of stress causes me to eat excessively or be a hostile person and so on. It’s up to you as an individual to evaluate your own and know what leads me to the habit I need to work with.
3. Commit – Put faith into action. The commitment is daily. Recognize that you need to leave the comfort zone that, although it seems comfort, it is not, it is simply the zone that I know and that I learned to handle. Find the thoughts that ruin you and start eliminating them. Do not accept a “it’s not easy”, “let’s see how it goes”, “let me see how long I can do it”, and so on. Inject yourself with the right thoughts. The bible says that the power of life and death is in your mouth, start speaking correctly and let your mind be impacted with new thoughts and ideas. “Most people fail, not from lack of desire, but from lack of commitment.” – Vince Lombardi
4. Don’t give up – Staying firm and willing to make changes and not giving up, even little by little, is necessary. Constancy. -When faced with a challenge the committed heart will seek a solution, The undecided heart will seek an escape – Andy Andrews. Remember, as we mentioned at the beginning, focus on the goal, on what you are going, and want to achieve. On the other hand, surround yourself with the right people, the ones who help you ensure that you stay committed and motivate you. Hearing contrary voices, or not being willing to leave the wrong atmospheres, will contaminate your goodwill and firmness. Don’t expose yourself, I’m coming to you.
It is possible that today this may seem like little, but if we put into action a small plan, working as the word tells us, one day at a time, each day its own desire is enough, we will achieve great and permanent changes that will totally redefine our life. Remember that his grace covers you and through it you are more than a conqueror because you can do everything in Christ who strengthens you.