
When we think of someone dangerous and armed, the image of someone threatening, intimidating, whom we should fear immediately comes to mind. But perhaps we don’t have that image about ourselves. Yes, we are dangerous, we are armed, but many times we do not know. In Luke 4: 31-37 is the story of how a...
One of the processes for thinning gold from rivers or streams where it is found is known as batting. All the sand and sediment where the gold is contained are taken in a bucket, everything is poured into a special container to beat it, water is added and it begins to beat so that what...
The word you may need to hear at this time is “grace.” Many refuse to speak of grace because they often see it as debauchery, as the license to sin. Could not be farther from the truth. When you begin to know grace, you realize that behind it there is only one name: JESUS. The...
It is glorious to know that God loves us so much and that, as the word in Ephesians 1: 3 says, “He blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.” When we think of every blessing, perhaps all the provision, all the resources we need, among other things, comes to mind. Certainly,...
If something has burned in my heart with greater force during this time it is the longing to “be”. In this time when I have been most exposed to hearing about the consummate work of Jesus and his desire to give me as a daughter, the privilege of being as He was on earth, has...
In the beginning of creation, God created man from the dust of the earth, and after giving him the shape he wanted, it says he breathed into his nose the breath of life (Genesis 2: 7). What makes you understand that he gave him of his essence, of what he is and he has. After...
In the midst of the prophetic time that we are in, it is impossible not to hear God’s call on children. Some time ago I heard the Lord tell me the word: “unstoppable.” Now I understand that what God has in his agenda and in his purposes, nothing and nobody is going to stop him....
One of the psalms that I have always liked very much is Psalm 18. It has verses that when read seem like an epic tale. It has each description of God moving and working in ways that do not fit in my mind, I believe that the imagination does not give me to be able...
With the “boom” of the “lives” through social networks these days, I have had the opportunity to share with many people on the page of our church and some other videos that I have been able to enter and watch. Really, people always leave an opinion about the message they are hearing and one of...
On the way to Caesarea Philippi, Jesus was going in a conversation with his disciples. I imagine the conversations with Jesus, some of great depth and wisdom. It is very possible that the disciples have received many confrontations, because Jesus came to break all the structures that they had known and under which they had...
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Sobre mi

El diseño de la eternidad cobra un grito fuerte cuando vas descubriendo quien eres y para que fuiste creado.  Cuando no apagas esa voz, que es la voz del Creador, entiendes que eres un ser espiritual con una experiencia humana. Una experiencia que no puede apagar el sueño de Dios en mi. Soy un sueño de Dios y quiero vivirlo como Él lo soñó.  Porque mi sueño es que su sueño se cumpla.

Tu eres el Papel

Comencemos este “blog” como si tú lo fueras a escribir. De todas formas lo hice pensando en ti. Mientras pensaba en las mil ideas que se me podían ocurrir para crear un espacio como este, venían a mi mente cuantas cosas en este mundo faltan por escribir y por ser hechas. Nuestra mente, no importa cuán creativos seamos, cuantos logros tengamos, cuan grandes hayan sido nuestros alcances, es pequeña, limitada.

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Articulos Populares

Full of what?
May 15, 2020
Seems like a good reason
February 26, 2020
Let them be one
April 1, 2020

Dale Like!

Articulos Recientes

Manifold grace
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Manipulated – You think we are not?
January 13, 2021
More than you have believed
December 20, 2020


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My New Stories

The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Let there be light