
The epistles of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the writings of the fulfillment of what the Old Testament tells us about the time of Jesus Christ on earth, everything it says there is fulfilled in these books. Each of these authors tells stories of the same event, seen from their position. Some in more...
These days I heard a beautiful intercessory prayer led by a woman of God whom I love and admire. In this intercession I prayed for the David who are going to get up for this time. I remembered, when a few months ago, the Lord told me that Saul’s time was ending. Saul’s time is...
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. 3 And God said, let there be light; and there was light. 4 And...
I remember as a child not having many friends, at school I was usually alone and when I had a friend, it was one of the group that generally does not fit in the group. In middle and high school, I remember that I used to ask questions that nobody asked, I looked at things...
There is a portion of the word that I really like, it is in Mark 4: 35 to 41. It is the narration where Jesus invites disciples to move to the other side and they go in a boat. Suddenly, a great storm arises to the point of almost sinking the boat, the disciples were...
For the purposes of the Jewish calendar, this week the feast of unleavened bread is celebrated. This has its beginnings in the departure of the people of God from slavery in Egypt and God sent them to leave in Egypt the yeast of the bread they used. Some of the things that yeast represents is...
A few weeks ago, in the midst of these weeks of quarantine in which we have been, I was in my room having a time of worship to the Lord. As I lifted that worship, I felt an urge to step out onto my terrace and continue the worship from there. As I worshiped out...
Yes, you. When Jesus was about to expire on the cross, his mother was there, along with some other women and John. And when Jesus saw them there he looked at them and said: Woman, behold, your son. Then he looked at Juan and said: Behold your mother. John 19:25 The woman who had been...
Under the call to “stay home” we have all met during this time. It seems that everything will be solved by entering the house and staying there. Whether or not this is true, we have certainly all had to stay home. Each person’s circumstances are unique and different. Certainly, there are those who do not...
We are at the beginning of what we traditionally known as “Easter”, and what a way to celebrate it. Certainly, if a few months ago I had been told that this was going to happen, I would not have believed it. We all used to expect beautiful church programs, which were usually filled regardless of...
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Sobre mi

El diseño de la eternidad cobra un grito fuerte cuando vas descubriendo quien eres y para que fuiste creado.  Cuando no apagas esa voz, que es la voz del Creador, entiendes que eres un ser espiritual con una experiencia humana. Una experiencia que no puede apagar el sueño de Dios en mi. Soy un sueño de Dios y quiero vivirlo como Él lo soñó.  Porque mi sueño es que su sueño se cumpla.

Tu eres el Papel

Comencemos este “blog” como si tú lo fueras a escribir. De todas formas lo hice pensando en ti. Mientras pensaba en las mil ideas que se me podían ocurrir para crear un espacio como este, venían a mi mente cuantas cosas en este mundo faltan por escribir y por ser hechas. Nuestra mente, no importa cuán creativos seamos, cuantos logros tengamos, cuan grandes hayan sido nuestros alcances, es pequeña, limitada.

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Full of what?
May 15, 2020
Seems like a good reason
February 26, 2020
Let them be one
April 1, 2020

Dale Like!

Articulos Recientes

Manifold grace
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Manipulated – You think we are not?
January 13, 2021
More than you have believed
December 20, 2020


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The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Let there be light