Conquer what?


The theme of spiritual warfare is one much discussed by the churches, perhaps of much controversy. The spiritual father of the house in which I congregate is very knowledgeable about that subject and in workshops and others have shared it with us in a very interesting way. But in the last workshop that was offered on this subject it was really one of much confrontation. We are usually used to hear about war in the air, war strategies, prayer and effective weapons for spiritual warfare. But this time we were all confronted with ourselves.

The first level where you must win and conquer the war is inside you. Certainly, knowing the strategies and having wisdom in spiritual warfare is important. But how much do we really win the battle in our own situations? How much level of authority do we show to overcome our character? How much are we ready to be tolerant and patient? How much self-control do I have before the fluctuations and bad times that I can confront? How much have I learned to love my neighbor as myself? How firm is my identity as a Christian? How neat is my life before wanting to go order something out of it?

It all starts inside me. In order to conquer outside, I must start with me first. To establish something outside, it must be set in first.

If you want to be a good warrior in the spiritual world, start on the first level and conquer it. That will definitely help you win abroad. Start with you and you will see the progress towards the outside. Blessings

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