
Soulish or spiritual

If something has been working very markedly the Spirit for this time, it is to affirm the identity of the sons and daughters of God. And one of the characteristics of the sons and daughters who are maturing and growing for this time, is that they have learned where to connect their senses. The word […]

Is to grow

Nobody likes to be hurt and wounded. As sentient beings, with feelings, when we feel that we are hurt, we run to hide and we move away from everything or those that have hurt us. How many of us have not been, for a long time, hurt, resentful, keeping a memory of something that hurt […]

Don’t take it

Some time ago I was meditating on a reflection about what we receive or make room for in our lives. And one of the things that most often happen to us, and what we are left with, is offenses. I once heard this story from a wise man who asked this young man: If someone […]

You may choose

We have already learned that we are what we think, and that our thinking is made up or shaped by how we have processed the life experiences we have had. Our way of life and our behavior are derived or formed from our thinking. And as we’ve talked about before, we are affected by our […]

You are more than you think

You were created within God, you were born from a dream of his and with a plan formed from eternity. You are a spiritual being living a human experience. And human experience, and the system of the world, cannot stop what the creator put into you. He gave up his own son to restore your […]

Of small things

It is very normal that when we talk about dreams and desires, we all think about big things. We all want the unusual, the extraordinary, the surprising, and the unexpected. Ultimately, this is one of the ways God works. What we cannot forget is that in the simple, in the small, in what seems common […]

It’s a ladder

Emotions are part of life, we experience them at all times, whether we are conscious or not. Of course, therefore, some are more marked than others. You can wake up on a Monday morning, after a weekend of great fun, and feel the thrill of laziness invade you. It is up to you immediately to […]

My New Stories

The general population does not know what is happening and does not even know that it does not know
Let there be light